In the spirit of unifying the skijoring community and encouraging racers to support skijoring venues big and small, we will be instituting the following beginning with the 2016 Skijoring Season:
A point system open to every competitor in the Open/Pro and Sport/Novice Division.
All skijoring race venues are invited to participate.
All competitors, including horses, riders and skiers are invited to participate.
“The Overall” will be awarded at the last race of the season, regardless of race location.
In the spirit of honoring excellence, fair competition and sportsmanship, to declare a reigning champion in the sport of western equine skijoring.
The official race results at the completion of the race weekend, will be used to determine the distribution of points. Points will be awarded to the top competitors in each division based on their results from the race. Example: First place will be worth 10 points, second place, 9 points, third place, 8 points, and so forth to 10th place being worth one point.
The top three places will be awarded in each division. In the event of a tie at the end of the season, the number of clean runs and disqualifications (DQ’s) will be used to determine the standings in “The Overall.”
There are no fees over and above event registration to participate in “The Overall”.
There are no memberships necessary to participate in “The Overall.”
Having any membership does not preclude you from participating in “The Overall.”
“The Overall” points standings will be available for public viewing online and shared openly.
The names of the Open first place winners will be engraved on a trophy.
The names of the Sport first place winners will be engraved on a plaque or tray.
This proposed system will be reviewed in full at the completion of the 2016 season.
Personally endorsed thus far by: Jackson, WY, Leadville, & Minturn, CO
Herein comprises the entirety of “The Skijor Overall”
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