In the 1950's the practice of skiing behind cars and motorcycles was quite popular and has been recorded and immortalized in a video called "The Most Dangerous Sport in the World" which can be viewed below. While motorized skijoring (in any organized fashion) went dormant for a period, it has recently enjoyed a resurgence in Latvia, Austria and Alaska. There is also evidence of skiers being towed by an airplane in Middlebury, Vermont!
The Most Dangerous Sport in the World.
The Arctic Man Classic is an event held in April at Summit Lake. There was no event in 2022 or 2023. This year the event will be held on April 10-14, in 2024.
"The Arctic Man is a race for teams of two skilled competitors that tests the strength of an athlete and the horsepower of a snowmobile. Courage and training are essential elements of this team of snowmobile and skier.
The Arctic Man is one of the World's Toughest Downhill Ski races, and an exciting snowmobile race, all in one. The skier begins at a summit elevation of 5,800 feet and drops 1700 feet in less than two mile to the bottom of a narrow canyon where he meets up with his snowmobiling partner.
The snowmobiler meets the skier, on the go, with a tow rope and pulls the skier 2 1/4 miles uphill at top speeds of up to 86 mph. The skier and the snowmobile then separate and the skier goes over the side of the second mountain and drops another 1200 feet to the finish line.
At the Arctic Man you "GO FAST or GO HOME"
Truly the Ultimate Adrenaline Rush for spectators and competitors alike.
Last year approximately 13,000 spectators came from around the nation as well as different countries around the world to enjoy this spectacular Alaskan event. The area the race is held is some the of the best snowmachine riding country in the world. The snowcapped peaks and beauty make this spring event one that you will treasure for a lifetime."
Above description from
For more information CLICK HERE!
The Red Bull Twitch’n‘Ride event is a skijoring competition unlike any other. This event harnesses a different kind of "horsepower' and combines motocross with skijoring. The modern event harkens back to the Swiss tradition of skiing behind vintage motorcycles or automobiles in the 1950's.
The 2017 event took place in the Latvian town of Cesis and attracted almost 300 reckless skijoring participants.
Red Bull has also sponsored a race in which skiers are towed by snowmobiles.
In 2014, extreme sailor, Roman Hagara, claimed the title of King of Kitzbuhel in Austria despite a field of more experienced skiers. He largely credits his driver with the win. The race course was built on Pass Thurn.
With the X Games gaining in popularity, and skijoring expanding as a sport, perhaps it is only a matter of time that the two combine!